Coronation construction πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Coronation construction πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

Chalkhill have been brilliant at spotting and describing the different shapes and features of London landmarks during our learning about King Charles’ coronation. We were inspired to construct our own versions of bridges and towers – check out some of our creations below!

PE with Mr Senior

PE with Mr Senior

This term we have been having our PE sessions with Mr Senior. We have been doing team games, taking turns, lining up, working together and trying out some new PE skills like dribbling, balancing and obstacle races. The children have listened well and really enjoyed the activities.

Happy Easter! 🐣🐰🌸

Happy Easter! 🐣🐰🌸

Our last few days of term were full of Easter fun! We learned about the Easter story in assembly, shared books and songs, created some Spring art and loved preparing and eating hot cross buns at snack time. Today we were wowed by some amazing Easter bonnets and kind donations of prizes and chocolate eggs.

Thank you from all the Chalkhill adults for your kind gifts and holiday wishes. Happy Easter, everyone! 🐣

Kick boxing

Kick boxing

We had a visitor in for our PE on Tuesday. The children all had a go at some kick boxing games. They learnt about the stance and guard needed with their arms up over their chests and their leg back. See if they can show you!



The children have loved the start of our space topic. We have asked ‘I wonder’ questions, investigated a crash scene, learnt lots about life in space for the astronauts, made aliens and rockets and written our favourite fact.

Dinosaur Dome πŸ¦–πŸ¦•

Dinosaur Dome πŸ¦–πŸ¦•

It was so exciting to go inside the science dome today to learn more about dinosaurs! We found out about how they lived, what they ate and how some of them hunted. It was amazing to see life-sized dinosaurs projected onto the screen all around us. We even learned how they became extinct! What a brilliant end to our topic πŸ™‚

Happy half term, everyone!

Number Day

Number Day

Hurray for Number Day! We joined in lots of number songs, had some counting challenges and went on a number hunt around school. Thank you to everyone for your donations and for helping the children look amazing! πŸ”’πŸŽ²β°πŸ’―